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Get Better - Feel Better

Matrix Repatterning benefits all patients – from those with new injuries to those with chronic/complex conditions and debilitating pain. First, Dr. LaPierre will listen to your story. He will perform appropriate tests to find your problem and will then offer specialized treatment.

  • Head Injury - Concussion

  • Low Back, Hip, Knee, Shoulder Pain

  • Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraines


What to Expect

Matrix Repatterning

The Assessment

During the initial assessment, Dr. LaPierre will determine the precise location and nature of all primary restrictions which are the root of your biomechanical dysfunction and pain.

To locate the primary restrictions, one hand, referred to as the ‘indicator’, will be placed on your rib cage to monitor the tension of that area, while the other hand will contact and ‘scan’ multiple areas throughout the body. When a softening or decrease in tension under the indicator hand is detected, the location of that primary restriction is noted and recorded.

These restrictions can be the result of an impact, jolt, fall, motor vehicle accident, etc. The force of an injury, strain or impact is rapidly transmitted throughout your body (or matrix). Moderate forces are easily dissipated due to the elastic properties of the matrix. Excessive or repeated forces however, are absorbed by the tissues and cells of the body and this changes their flexible state to an expanded and rigid state.

This rigid state causes the interconnected muscles, ligaments and joints to become strained and painful. While the body will do its best to adapt and compensate, eventually it can no longer do so and symptoms of increased pain and discomfort are the result.

Once all of the primary restrictions have been identified, a treatment plan will be developed and explained.

The Treatment

The tension in a primary restriction is released by applying a gentle but precise directional pressure using both hands. This pressure is held until the restricted/tense tissues change (soften and relax). This will take several minutes per restriction. Once a restriction is “normalized”, this will allow the restoration of muscle tone, flexibility, joint mobility and optimal biomechanical function. Overall, patients find it amazing that such a gentle application of pressure can make such a positive change in one’s body.


Initial Assessment:                 

Treatment (per structure):



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